You can also get the Amulet from the Arsenal so you can utilize the Sand Dunes and Desert cards. You can aim to have at least a 30% evasion stat. You can also add a vampirism stat so you can avoid the attacks of Lich and increase your survivability. However, one of the best ways to increase your chances of defeating the Lich is to increase your evasion stat. If you are using the Warrior, you can focus on the regeneration stat and making your Hero as tanky as possible. Equipment Use your oblivion cards to prevent the Lich from getting stronger due to the Lich Palaces. What matters most is the stat you need to focus on when building your equipment. However, unlocking the Rogue will drastically help in defeating the Lich and surviving the Loop.

If you would like to defeat the Lich early, you can make do with the Warrior. However, if you are new to the game, you may only have the Warrior class. You can use any class you want when it comes to defeating the Lich. Class The warrior is the very first class that your hero can use. Build around the crystal and use the Oblivion card to remove any Lich Palaces. Turn your blood grove into hungry groves by removing the grove with Oblivion cards. The Lich Palaces will then spawn around the crystal. When the boss meter fills up, your campsite will be replaced by the Lich Crystal. The trick here is to use the grove and build blood groves around your campsite. Beacons can help increase your attack speed.Place battlefield cards to increase your chances of getting better gear.The Chrono Crystals and Meadow tiles can help with regeneration as well.You can use both Spider Cocoons and Cemetery cards to help speed up the summoning process of Lich.Oblivion cards are necessary for replacing cards and removing Lich palaces.A shipwreck can give you better quality gear, prepping you for the fight.Mountain Peak cards can increase your overall health by 135, build rocks and mountains around it to increase your HP by five more points.Blooming Meadows can help with regeneration every three days.Blood Grove can devour enemies that have low health.Sand Dunes and Desert cards lower the health of your enemies.Below are the cards you should take when building the loop.

Build around the Lich Crystal as soon as possible to prevent Lich Palaces from spawning. When the boss meter becomes full, the Lich Crystal will spawn. These palaces increase his overall health and damage. The unique skill of the Lich is to summon Lich Palaces on the loop map. Deck The Lich summons Lich Palaces around your camp when the boss meter is full. You also need to summon the Lich very early on in the loop to avoid the spawning of Lich Palaces. However, we recommend summoning the Lich after you have unlocked the Rogue class. You can summon the Lich very early in the game. You can make the Lich spawn faster by killing more enemies and filing up the boss meter. The Lich is the very first boss you will encounter. Chapter 1: Lich You can unlock the Necromancer class by building the Crypt.